G.E.M.S Show July 2016

 Pictures from the show:

Club President Melanie Morgan & Markie promtoing the show on Virginia This Morning...

       Best of the Best Ceremony

and the proud owners...

G.E.M.S.' Allbreed Show - Richmond, VA July 25, 2016

Judges (in order from left to right):

John Colilla - Allbreed
Bob Goltzer - Allbreed
Sharon Roy - Allbreed
Jan Stevens - Allbreed
Liz Watson- Allbreed
Melanie Morgan - Specialty

There were 22 Egyptian Maus entered and competing representing 14 catteries and 6 of 9 regions.

Egyptian Mau results:
Best of the Best

Kitten: Emau's I Candy of Emauge (AKA Sumo)-- 4 month old Silver female bred by Melanie Morgan and owned by Tim Fowler
Sumo was highest scoring Egyptian Mau out of 22 cats competing and 11 of them being grands!


Best Egyptian Mau in Championship
: OPN Emauge Forevermark (AKA Markie)--Silver male breed and owned by Tim Fowler and Pat Summers - * Note Markie only showed in 5 rings so he is not yet a Champion or a Grand!
2nd Best Egyptian Mau in Championship: GC Emau's Covergirl of Emauge (AKA Jewel)-- Silver female bred by Melanie Morgan and owned by Tim Fowler
3rd Best Egyptian Mau in Championship: GC Mautrix Northern Lights (AKA Noli)-- Silver female bred and owned by Laurie Coughlan

Best Egyptian Mau Kitten
: Emau's I Candy of Emauge (AKA Sumo)--Silver female bred by Melanie Morgan and owned by Tim Fowler
2nd Best Egyptian Mau Kitten: Eternal Springs' Athena (AKA Athena)--Silver female bred and owned by Mia Aslpund
3rd Best Egyptian Mau Kitten: Mautrix Sprite Lightning (AKA Sprite)-- Silver female bred and owned by Laurie Coughlan

Best Egyptian Mau in Premiership
: GP Emau's Promise the Moon (AKA Sterling)-- Silver neuter bred by Melanie Morgan and owned by Linda Nulph
2nd Best Egyptian Mau in Premiership: GP D'otz Knightshade (AKA Knightshade)-- Silver neuter bred by Caroline and Susan Melia and now owned by Jason O'Connor
3rd Best Egyptian Mau in Premiership: GP Mautrix Saladin (AKA Saladin)-- Silver neuter bred by Laurie Coughlan and owned by Laurie Coughlan and Parker Sutton


Note: All pictures and graphics are copyrighted by GEMS, The Owners of the cats or individual photographers. No part of this web site may be reproduced in any form or by any means without written permission from GEMS and the owner of the pictures. Go to PHOTO CREDITS